Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Verb 1. procrastinate pro·cras·ti·nate - postpone doing what one should be doing;

now in all fairness/reality my next word should be:


1. Firmness of purpose; resoluteness

so i had a great weekend.  managed to do all of my activities that were surrounded with temptation and not succumb to the pizza, beer and bar food.   i am officially into week 2 of my training for my 5k and i can honestly say it seems to be getting harder.  that is where the procrastination comes into play.  my body is yelling at me, my knees, shins, hips, legs and on and on hurt after this past 9 days.  while it is physically getting harder i am going farther and father each training day  - making forward progress!  i have not missed a training day yet and even added gym time in but every night after work it gets later and later before i get on the treadmill.  now that is also when determination comes into play, because no matter how late it may get i have not missed any of my training days yet.

i am working on adding pictures to my blog to help track my progress - i am not very tech savvy so it may take some time to figure out but definitely on the way.

on a side note today was SPD's 2nd day of 1st grade and his first day ever on a school bus.  i am a bit of a neurotic parent and it took a lot of discussion before i gave into letting my baby boy get a big bus with no seat belts and a person driving i don't not know let alone trust.  so today we went to the bus stop and waited for the bus.  it arrived, i said hi, confirmed it was for his school, took a picture and kissed him goodbye.  i then proceeded to follow the bus the whole way to school, allowing myself a better grasp of where the bus was going, how many stops, how many 'big" kids and overall safety of the driver.  now hindsight being 20/20 i really should have told said bus driver i was going to do this so he would not call the police to tell them a big black SUV was following the bus for 25 minutes. 

overall i am extremely impressed with his attention to detail and observations :) i wont follow the bus tomorrow.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

hurricane, back to school weekend and week 1 down.

from South Carolina to Maine i have friends and family who live and work along the coast.  i hope this storm slows and weakens and worry for the devastation that could occur.  i am glad to know that everyone packed up, boarded up and left their homes, i was worried my uncle would try to ride out the storm.
this weekend proves to be a fun one.  SPD goes back to school on Monday, not sure how he is in 1st grade already!!  in celebration of the last weekend before reality hits him we are spending the weekend all things SPD.  we are going to a place i absolutely despise but know he will be tickled pink, Chu.ck E. Chee.se.  i tried to see if Dav.e & Bus.ters would be a great idea and apparently a good idea but not as cool as the CEC.  i am working in between activities to preserve the gardens bounty.  in the process of making salsa, tomato relish, pasta sauce, zucchini relish, and other assorted tomato, cucumber and zucchini products.  tomorrow night is my fantasy football draft!!  super excited, i did extremely well last year, showing all the boys that a girl can beat them all :)!  with all of these fun activities come tough food situations.  pizza, beer, bar food... i feel like i am in a good place as far as decision making but these are the situations where i tend to make the worst. 
week 1 is complete on my couch to 5k challenge for myself.  i have lost 10 pounds this week, i am sure all water weight but a fun number to report.  "running" last night was hard but it felt so good when i was finished.  the gym today for some weights and non impact cardio.  Monday starts week 2 of my couch to 5k running plan.  harder? easier? either way satisfying!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

the Scale

so my goal is not use the scale everyday. 1 time a week, so hard but I think it will keep me less manic about my weight. here goes trying.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

couch to 5k: day 1

so day one of my first step is complete.  yesterday i "ran" step one towards my crazy corn maze 5k in October.  i am kicking my self (if only momentarily) for allowing myself to get back to this point again.  only momentarily because i know i need to focus on today and not live in the past.  it was hard but i did it and actually think i could start at week two but don't want to hurt myself.  yesterday as i was sucking wind i was remembering the days when six miles was relatively easy and i want to be back at that point again!  today is a day of rest, going forward i will do my running training three days a week while supplementing the gym with cardio and weights on odd days with one day off a week.  

healthy food day as well, well all until i decided to have a beer with dinner.  i am giving up alcohol for awhile, it is a bad choice inhibitor so it seems best to trade it in for some water. :)

tomorrow is day two...  harder?  i bet it will be, but i am kinda looking forward to it.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

couch to 5k

i have been here before at this same spot only fewer children. i am embarking on a series of baby steps to get me to an ironman completion by the time I turn forty. well really i will be forty and a few months as Coeur d'Alene is two months after my birthday. so i guess my blog should read fat to ironman in 22 months but really if i am not ready in 20 i don't think an extra two will make much of a difference. i have struggled with my weight most of my life, there are no excuses really, i grew up in a stable home with well balanced meals and good role models. i don't have medical issues that cause me to be overweight, for all i know my thyroid is working as it should, i do though have one issue that has caused me to be in the place i am in now. i make bad choices when it comes to food, i really enjoy food and i eat too much and at the wrong times. four years ago i embarked on running the ten miler which was part of the Twin Cities marathon weekend. as a result i lost over eighty pounds, finished the race and was in the best shape since probably my freshman year of high school. after that race i really set my sights on running a marathon and ultimately an ironman. why didn't it happen? i let work, life, bad decisions ect.. get in the way and spiraled back to where i was pre-ten miler. so here i am, out of shape, unable to run three miles and determined to change my life for good. i have all of the right motivation, i don't want to die at 50, i have three amazing children i want to be able to keep up with, i know that at some point or level my weight will hinder my advancement with the company i love and ultimately i have a hunger in my soul to cross the finish line even if at 16 and a half hours of one of the toughest races out there.
so here i am determined and at day one of my journey through baby steps to get to my ironman completion and a healthier me. couch to 5k training starts today with the culmination being The Worlds Largest Corn Maze 5k on October 16th.