Sunday, November 27, 2011


i am a thankful person!

i have a family who travel across the country to see me and my little family, i have a great immediate family, I have a job that i love, I live in a place I could see my self calling home for... well maybe ever, i wake up thankful about everyday.

this year has been a good one, a tough one, a quick one, a long one and everything in between. S is in 1st grade and it has been a year of many firsts for him and us. the wigglers are just a month away from a year old. how that happened is beyond me, a year ago i was so excited and terrified all in one. 10 months ago i was so tired i am surprised i made it to work everyday and S had a lunch to take with him. 8 months ago i was still so tired but the haze was starting to lift. with the haze came the realization that i was rapidly putting back on all my lost weight plus a bunch more. 6 months ago i decided that i wanted to be around for my family for a bit longer than chance would allow me. now from 6-a little over 3 from now it took me a bit to really get on board but i am here! 56 pounds lighter, 16 minutes faster when "running" a 5K, a few sizes smaller, considerably lower cholesterol, a healthier me and a bit closer to my goal.

this month has been a slower one for me, and honestly i have slipped a few times, the most was this past week. i work in retail so right now i am immersed in crazy busy work and silly work schedules so i found myself making bad choices when at restaurants, while momentarily still i found myself ordering things like spinach dip and not a spinach salad and a beer and not water. i have had more wine recently and had a few pieces of pie over the past few days. typically this would result in me falling off the deep end and going crazy with many and all bad decisions. it hasn't though, while i did and ate things i shouldn't i am still trucking around and not letting anything to snowball.

i am excited for what these next few months will hold for me, i am excited for the possibility of losing more pounds, and i am excited the track i am on!

happy thanksgiving - I know the next few months will prove to hold more to be thankful for!

56 pounds!