Sunday, October 23, 2011

2011 has been a bit of a bi*#h...

ok so this year we have had a real tornado, i was hit by a drunk driver on the highway, J broke her knee 2 weeks ago and today my uncle passed away. oh yeah and all with twin babies and a six year old. i may be ready to ring in the new year!

today we celebrated S's bday at the gym with 7 6 year old boys and 1 little girl (very tolerant of the 7 little boys :) We did rock climbing and it was a huge success.

J broke her knee 2 weeks ago trying to get a tension rod out of the door frame - this has proved to throw a kink in our house but J has been a trooper and other than being bummed about not being able to run she is really making every thing else work. here's to hoping and praying that she will be able to start her Big Sur 20 miler training next month.

more about me soon, when i can find a few extra minutes to update. long story short, i am now at 41 pounds down. 41 pounds, that's 8 bags of flour - that's a lot of flour.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

i am not good at blogging

i am not good at blogging, not sure if its because i have no time, have noting witty to say or just find myself boring.  anyway here i am a week later.

this week was hard, i was hungry all the time and craving all sorts of crap.  i have been no stop focusing on food also which is completely consuming every thought and moment... i am missing cheese big time this week also and as a result i bought a super expensive french brie from our local cheese shop.  i was really good any didn't eat it on crackers and only had a bit but oh boy it is so tasty and now its in my house.  i don't know if it is better to not even buy it or have little bitty splurges?!  see, lord i am boring!

my race is in 1 week, i am almost ready.  no plans to be that fast just to finish.  i am excited to do it and proud that i am at this point.  i did the warrior dash this summer and thought i was going to die, glad to be in a better place just a few months later.

my friend just finished the Portland marathon and J is just 2 months away from the Memphis marathon - crazy running in my life right now.  i know that i can be where they are in the next year or so if i continue what i have started!  but i am nervous about 3.2 miles so 26 is not even something i can comprehend at the current moment.  i am glad though i am surrounded by great people who are positive influences and who support the heck out of me :)

i lost 3 lbs this past week.  well actually 3.2 but i don't count if under .5 i for the ease of remembering, i simply do full and half lbs.  33 pounds - i still have what seems like forever to go but 33 is a good number!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

great weekend and 30 pound mark!

great weekend full of lots of activity.  Saturday was the diaper dash and 1/2 miler.  the twins rocked their crawl, official bib and all.  it was rather funny to watch all of these babies just sit there looking at everyone.  baby boy was quite excited that a mom had a sippy cup as enticement for her daughter.  needless to say we had to bring him back a few times from flirting trying to steal the cup.  baby girl sat there really the entire time eating grass.  :)
big brother rocked the 1/2 miler and ran with a friend that we ran into.  all three got medals for their great work.
J ran the 10miler today and even after a few weeks of limited activity finished ahead of last race.  weather was great so we hung out and waited for the men and women's elite to finish the marathon.  absolutely amazing how they can make 5:30 miles look so effortless!
i went to boot camp 2x's this week as well as the gym every other day.  it was a great week, busy busy but i feel like i am in the groove!  i find myself going longer and harder and i am starting to feel the results.  as well i look like i may have lost a few pounds.
i will blog more tomorrow what i have been doing but i need to go to bed now :)

i lost 4.2 lbs this week!  for ease of tracking (maybe lazy) i always round down to even numbers if under .6 so 4 lbs it is!! 

bringing my total to 30 pounds!!!  that is a fun number to report!